Bridal Boot Camp by Meg Cabot

42282584I’ve been reading Meg Cabot books for what seems like half my life. Though I love the movie adaptations of her Princess Diaries series, I’ve never read her YA stuff. But as I’ve well-documented, her adult novels are great. It’s been a few years since she’s written any adult fiction, so I was excited to see the beginning to a new series in GoodReads.

This is actually an ebook novella (yes, I had to figure out the Kindle app on my Mac, but I didn’t hate it). I wasn’t sure what to expect, and after finishing it, I’m still not sure what’s going on since the characters in this novella aren’t the main characters in the first “real” book of the series. But okay, the main character is a fitness instructor who ends up with a cop in her “bridal boot camp” fitness class because he has anger issues. All of that seems problematic, but it’s not discussed, so I guess it’s fine. She thinks he has a female partner, but it’s actually his dog and of course, he has a heart of gold. They hook up and the end.

Since I read it as an ebook, it was hard to tell how many pages this book would have been, but everything seemed to happen really quickly. I’m no stranger to short stories, but the resolution didn’t feel earned because they met, like twice, and then that’s it. I’m hoping this couple comes back into play in the first book of the series and we see some more development. It was a SUPER quick read (I had to limit myself to one “chapter” a night, so as not to finish the whole thing in a few hours.) and made me happy to have Meg Cabot’s writing back in my life.